Planning for an unprecedented new wave

Published on 19 August 2024

Local Port of Portland Bay aerial.JPG

The old saying is that the future belongs to those that prepare for it today, and that’s the idea behind a new initiative aiming to plan for Glenelg Shire’s expected future growth.

Council at its July meeting received the Situation Report, Renewable Energy in the Glenelg Shire Council, July 2024.

This was a report Council requested at its May meeting, in order to understand the opportunities and potential impacts of the many economic developments being planned for Glenelg Shire.

The report contains a wealth of information on these developments.

There is an unprecedented new wave of investment occurring in the Portland area, largely driven by renewable energy plans from both the Federal and State Governments.

These plans will push the transition to renewable energy at accelerated levels with many projects planned in or near Glenelg Shire.

Council believes it is important to consider the way in which it plans and prepares for the anticipated pipeline of projects and their cumulative impact on the community.

The report highlights key strengths and advantages of the Glenelg Shire including:

• Transport infrastructure links

• Growing and diverse industrial base

• Room to grow with industrial and strategic land use zoning

• Diverse townships and communities and lifestyle options

• Broad and diverse stakeholder list

Some main challenges identified include:

• Labour force readiness

• Early Years and child care sector

• Road infrastructure upgrades

• What the total impact of the projects might be on the community

Glenelg Shire Mayor Karen Stephens said it was an exciting time for the future of Glenelg Shire, with the economic developments planned likely to create opportunities for generations to come.

“You can see why we have such a bright future,” Cr Stephens said.

“Planning now for future activities makes sense and demonstrates good governance and fiscal responsibility.

“All these projects have opportunities to create wealth and growth in our communities.

“It is not prudent to sit back and wait for these opportunities to happen.

“We need to plan for them so we can understand both the opportunities and any potential impacts – think jobs, housing, infrastructure and community readiness.”

So where to from here?

Council will now progress further work in partnership with key stakeholders in the region on the new Future Portland Project, an initiative developed from a proposal by Wannon Water.

It aims to provide detailed mapping and impacts of the potential projects, including the strategic impacts and regional benefits.

It will also inform other investment opportunities that will need to occur, such as infrastructure, housing, and services.


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