Hairdressing premises are required to apply for an "on-going" registration with Council. A link to the application form to register a new hairdressing business or to transfer an existing business can be found to the right.
A link for the guidelines and procedures that hairdressers should follow can be found below.
Hairdressing is classed as a low risk, as long as the hairdresser services only include:
- Cutting hair with scissors or razors
- Colouring and styling hair
On-going Registrations - When to contact Council
Proprietors of hairdressing with an ongoing registration are required to notify Council of changes to the registration when the following changes occur:
- Creating a new business
- Adding or removing services provided by the business
- Change of business premises location
- Sale of the business to transfer the business to a third party
These proprietors will make an application, accompanied by an on-going application fee, with council for the new on-going business premises registration. Councils will then issue these businesses with a new on-going certificate of registration. In the case of businesses that transfer to a third party, the on-going certificate of registration will be issued to the new business owner.