What is a Domestic Wastewater Management Plan (DWMP)?
Council is required to develop a Domestic Wastewater Management Plan (DWMP) under State legislation to assist with the management of on-site disposal of effluent where land is not connected to a reticulated sewerage system. A DWMP establishes preferred approaches to monitoring the condition and management of on-site effluent treatment systems, enforcement, and direction for planning decisions on land use and development.
Adopted 2022-2027 DWMP
The Council adopted its most recent DWMP at the July 2022 Council meeting. The document comprises two parts:
- an action plan for Council specifying information requirements for applications for wastewater systems,
- township specific assessments, and technical data used to develop the Plan.
The DWMP encompasses the whole municipality outside of the sewered areas of Portland, Heywood and Casterton.
The Plan categorises all unsewered regions by risk rating, using the most reliable and up-to-date data available on matters such as soil profile and geography, density of existing onsite systems, land parcel sizing and proximity to water environments.
These ratings provide clarity to property owners about the information they will have to supply with any future planning application, or if a planning permit is not required for a development, for any application to Council’s Environmental Health Unit for a 'Permit to Install' an on-site wastewater treatment system.
Inspection Program
The Plan outlines an inspection program for Council's Environmental Health team to visit unsewered townships to gather information on types of systems that have been installed (particularly if the system was installed prior to records being kept), assist owners with information on their systems, maintenance requirements and townships in close proximity to waterways (River, Creek or Lagoon) to ensure systems are working correctly and not polluting the ground water or waterways.
In October 2023 wastewater system inspections were carried out in the township of Nelson. 52 inspections were carried out within the Township planning zone, properties under 4000square metres and within 100m of the Glenelg River
September 2024 wastewater system inspections were carried out in the township of Narrawong. 41 inspections were carried out within the Township planning zone and properties under 4,000 square metres.
You can download and read a copy of the Plan.(PDF, 6MB)