Explore the ways that Glenelg Shire enhances the lives of the broader community, from activities and events to programs and public services.
The Glenelg Shire Council promotes and facilitates environmental sustainability within the organisation and community.
We provide approximately $280,000 each year funding community, cultural and recreational activities, events and services through a variety of Community Funding Programs and support streams.
Glenelg Shire Council recognises the importance of providing or advocating for effective services that promote community wellbeing.
The health and wellbeing of our community is a top priority for Glenelg Shire Council.
Council considers community engagement and public participation an essential component of good governance and leadership.
Surfing the web, streaming music and accessing social media at your local community hall, skate park or beach is easier than ever, with the rollout of the free Glenelg Public Wi-Fi network.
We aim to provide access to quality sporting facilities, playgrounds and open space areas for us all to enjoy across the Shire.
The Glenelg Shire Council is committed to the elimination of discrimination towards people with disabilities.
Showcase and sharing all types of art in our community.
The Glenelg Shire is rich in Aboriginal cultural history with many Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders living in the Shire.
Each year, Council offers individual scholarships for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Youth to help further their education.
Each year, Council hosts events or initiatives to support the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence campaign.
You may have heard the term Smart City in relation to big urban centres like Singapore, Amsterdam or Auckland, but Glenelg Shire has been doing some innovation in this area too.