Emergency Relief Centres (ERCs)

In an emergency, it is important to know what arrangements are on offer to you, especially in volatile conditions.

As stated in the Glenelg Municipal Emergency Management Plan 2022-2025 Version 6, an Emergency Relief Centre (ERC) is a building or a place that has been activated for the provision of essential personal needs for people affected by, or responding to an emergency. The Glenelg Shire Council’s position on the activation of ERCs is:

  • Opening of an ERC is a decision made by the Victoria Police, fulfilling the role of Municipal Emergency Resources Coordinator (MERC), in consultation with the control agency and Council’s Municipal Emergency Management Officer (MEMO) and Municipal Recovery Manager (MRM) to accommodate residents relocating in response to a direct emergency;
  • Activation of an ERC is determined once the location of the emergency is known and is typically located well away from any threat to ensure public safety;
  • Council may activate ERCs in the instance where a situation is of genuine emergency;
  • An activated ERC is only able to provide basic support services such as food, first aid and emergency shelter.

ERC Locations

Glenelg Shire Council has identified three buildings that can be utilised as ERCs in the case of an emergency. You can find print ready maps of these locations in the right hand panel of this page.

Portland Civic Hall

Address: 30 Bentinck Street, Portland

Phone: 5522 2200

Capacity: 400 Seated

Access:  After Hours

Parking: On Street

Wheelchair access: Yes

Toilets: Yes

Kitchen: Yes

Shower: No

Heating: Yes

Heywood Senior Citizens Centre

Address: 9 Hunter Street, Heywood

Phone: 5527 0666

Capacity: 50 Seated

Access:  After Hours

Parking: On Street

Wheelchair access: Yes

Toilets: Yes

Kitchen: Yes

Shower: Yes

Heating: Yes


Casterton Town Hall

Address: 67 Henty Street, Casterton

Phone: 5554 2444

Capacity: 200 Seated

Access:  After Hours

Parking: On Street

Wheelchair access: Yes

Toilets: Yes

Kitchen: Yes

Shower: No

Heating: Yes



For more information about support agencies who are available to provide assistance to those attending an ERC, please watch the video below.