Live4Life Glenelg
Live4Life Glenelg initiative aims to ensure that young people, teachers, parents and the wider community are better informed about mental ill health and are proactive in identifying the signs and symptoms of an emerging mental health issue before a crisis occurs.
The Youth Live4Life model is the only mental health education and youth suicide prevention model designed specifically for rural communities
There are four key components of the Live4Life model:
- Support, coordination and mentoring from Youth Live4Life’s staff
- School and community partnerships
- Mental health training
- “The Crew” - Live4Life’s youth leadership and participation program
Live4Life Glenelg was launched in 2017 and is delivered in partnership with the four secondary schools, South West Institute of TAFE and five community partners: GLLEN, the Department of Education, Victoria Police, Barwon and Portland District Health.
Currently the initiative has one corporate sponsor, Portland Aluminium.
The lead agency is Glenelg Shire Council.
Give Now
You can now 'give back' to Live4ife and help invest in young people's mental health locally.
Thanks to an alliance with United Way Glenelg, you can make a direct, tax-free donation to Live4Life Glenelg. You can even choose where your donation goes - whether it be crew events, Youth Mental Health First Aid training and more.