Fire Ready
Bushfires are a major risk threatening life and property in Victoria. There are a number of ways you can prepare your family and property to minimise a bushfire's impact and give you peace of mind throughout the fire season.
Know your risk and create a plan
When fires do occur, they present a major risk and threat to life and property within the Glenelg Shire. Information on understanding fire risk in your environment can be found at the CFA Website - Am I at Risk?
It's important to prepare and practice your own home emergency plans, have a go - bag ready, and know where you will get reliable information during the event of a fire. Plan what choices you will make if a fire breaks out near your home. Know your triggers when to leave, where you will go and how to safely get there. Your plans should include your pets, horses and other livestock. Being prepared is a critical step in being ready. The CFA has some key tips to help you plan for a bushfire event as well as many helpful publications to help you prepare, including the Fire Ready Kit.
The VicEmergency website has a wealth of resources to help you understand your fire risk and know what to do before and during a fire.
Fire Danger Ratings
Fire Danger Ratings tell you how dangerous a fire could be if one started. This Fire Danger Rating system is in use across Australia so whether you are at home or travelling the system is consistent across the nation.
For more information please visit the CFA website
For more information on Fire Danger Ratings Click here
Disruption to Council Services on a designated Catastrophic Fire Danger Day.
Catastrophic rating days may have an effect on some Council services with schools, kindergartens and pre-schools in some high risk areas closing for the duration of the period. Transfer stations will be closed on Catastrophic Days with the exception of the Portland transfer station. Home and Community Care services will be unable to be delivered in high risk areas. The type of works that can be safely carried out by either Roadworks or the Parks and Gardens Units will be limited.
Bush Fire Place of Last Resort - Neighbourhood Safer Place
Glenelg Shire Council has designated a number of locations as Neighbourhood Safer Places.
It does not provide the same level of protection as a well-constructed defendable home, private or neighbourhood bushfire shelter or a community fire refuge.
It is a place to go when all other bushfire plans have failed.