Catastrophic Fire Danger Days

Catastrophic is the highest level of rating in Victoria and it signifies the worst conditions for grassfires or bushfires. A Catastrophic Rating means that if a fire were to start:
  • It will be uncontrollable, unpredictable and fast moving.
  • Fire services will find it difficult to put out.
  • There is a high likelihood that people in the path of a fire will be killed or seriously injured.
  • Homes are not designed or constructed to withstand in these conditions - even the best prepared homes will not be safe.
  • Leaving high risk bushfire areas the night before a Catastrophic fire day or early in the morning of a Catastrophic fire day is the safest option for your survival – do not wait and see.

How will I find out if a Catastrophic Rating has been called?

  • A Catastrophic day will be called no later than 1.00pm the day before, however a Catastrophic rating can be called a number of days in advance which is why it is important to check the Fire Danger Ratings daily throughout summer.
  • Fire Danger Ratings are published on the VicEmergency, CFA and websites.
  • Fire Danger Ratings are also available through the VicEmergency app or by calling the Victorian Bushfire Information Line (VBIL) on 1800 240 667.
  • If you are deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech impairment, you can contact VBIL through National Relay Service on 1800 555 727. People who are deaf or hard of hearing can also download the OpenAccess Alerts app.
  • If you don’t speak English, call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450.
  • There are also automated Fire Danger Rating signs across Victoria. The digital signs display the Fire Danger Rating and provide people with an indication of how dangerous a fire would be. The automated system is in addition to the static Fire Danger Rating signs that CFA brigades manually update every day during the summer. Victorian fire agencies will use all these channels as well as media and advertising to let you know if a Catastrophic Rating has been called.