Emergency Planning

Like every municipality Glenelg Shire Council is required to develop and maintain emergency management plans to keep you safe.

Please take some time to think about and plan for emergencies. You can help yourself and your family to be prepared and cope better if an emergency occurs.

Deaf Emergency Information

Deaf Emergency Information brings important information together in one place, in Auslan and in written English. If you are deaf, deafblind or hard of hearing, this website will help you to:

  • Understand the different natural hazards experienced by Victorians every year
  • Learn from the experiences of other people in the community
  • Understand how to watch and act so you can take responsibility for your own safety
  • Learn how to prepare, respond and recover from natural hazard events in your area
  • Understand how emergency services work together

Emergency REDiPlan

Red Cross has developed Emergency REDiPlan, which includes booklets outlining four simple and easy-to-follow steps to prepare your household for an emergency, tips to keep in contact with family and friends during and after an emergency, and useful resources to record an emergency plan for your household.

If you haven't prepared and made a plan, an emergency could disrupt your life in ways you don't expect. Get prepared and you'll be more confident, more in control and more likely to cope when disaster strikes.