Apply for a position

Staff working at Portland Maritime Discovery Centre

Council has an abundance of roles, and employment opportunities across a variety of departments – and we'd love to have you as part of the team. 

We aim to recruit potential candidates as efficiently as possible. Below is the outline of the application process, recruitment stages and timeframes that all candidates must go through to be employed at Glenelg Shire Council.

Your Application

  • All positions vacant can be viewed here

  • Applications must be submitted electronically via the positions vacant page, and must be received by the specified closing time and date on the position advertisement.  

  • Please note that applications must be sent in directly from the applicant and not through a third party or recruitment agency. Applications received from third parties will not be considered.  


Submitting Your Application

Each role at Council has a position description which outlines the skills you will need to succeed in the role and the experience you need to bring. You can download the position description from the job listing. 

To apply, please provide a resume and brief cover letter addressing the key selection criteria in the position description.  

Cover Letter – should clearly demonstrate clear connections between your qualifications, experience, skills and knowledge against the selection criteria. Your cover letter should be no longer than one page and outlines your reasons for applying for the position.

Resume - should clearly detail your work history, qualifications and include contact details of at least two referees within the last five years. 

Your application should reflect an awareness of Glenelg Shire Council’s vision, purpose and values.

Receipt of your application will be confirmed by email.

After You Have Applied

Short listed applicants will be contacted by email or phone for interviews. We aim to shortlist candidates within two weeks of the closing date, but sometimes this process can take longer.  

If you are not shortlisted for interview, we will endeavour to advise you by email as quickly as possible after the closing date.

All information relating to Council’s recruitment and selection processes will be kept strictly confidential and those employees involved in recruitment activities will take all reasonable steps to maintain confidentiality and respect the privacy of applicants.  

Click here to view Council's privacy statement.


The Interview

If you are selected for an interview, you will receive an email invitation detailing the date, time and location of the interview, plus if you need to bring any additional documentation or information.

You can expect an interview panel with two or three people that will last approximately 45-60 minutes. Interview questions and panel members will be consistent for each applicant.

We prefer to interview candidates in person, however if you are interstate or overseas, we can arrange an initial interview via Microsoft Teams. The panel will inform you at the interview when they expect to be in touch with the outcome of your application.  

Some interviews may also include a practical element or test, presentation, or be a group interview with other candidates. You will be informed of this prior to the interview.

Please let us know if you have any special requirements for the interview or require assistance of any kind so we can make the appropriate arrangements. 

Pre-employment Checks

In addition to the necessary qualifications, all candidates are required to undertake or provide: 

Referees - Make sure your application includes the names, job titles, telephone numbers and email addresses of two contactable, professional (work-related) referees. These should include a direct report and/or current employer within the last 5 years. Written references are not required with your initial application. Please note, referee statements gained during this selection process will be deemed confidential information and will be classed as exempt documents under the Freedom of Information Act (1982).  

Police check - Council will complete a National Criminal History check for all potential employees.  

Working with Children Check - Council is committed to creating a child safe and child friendly environment, and requires all employees have current Working with Children cards. If you are the successful candidate, Council will pay for the check if you don’t already have one.  

Pre-employment Medical - Certain positions call for employees to complete a pre-employment medical.  

Alcohol and other drug - As part of the pre-employment check process, you will be required to undertake an alcohol and other drug screening test at Council’s nominated medical clinic. If further testing is required, this will be arranged by the Organisational Development unit.  

Proof of eligibility/Australian working rights - In some circumstances we may ask you to provide proof of eligibility to work in Australia, either in the form of a passport or birth certificate identifying Australian citizenship, or a valid work visa.  


Selection Decision

The panel will thoroughly evaluate the information provided by all candidates to make its selection decision.

You must have successfully completed the required pre-employment checks to be offered a position, plus supplied any required qualifications or licences.

If you are successful, we will call to verbally offer you the position and talk to you about starting salary, commencement date etc. If you accept, you will receive a formal offer of employment via email and access to Council’s onboarding portal to complete employment documentation before your first day.  

If you attend an interview and your application is unsuccessful, we will call to advise you the outcome of your interview.