Asbestos, EPA and WorkCover

Asbestos is a fibrous material that has been used in the building industry over many years. The use of this material has now stopped and its removal is often required during development or renovation work.

Council does not have the power to investigate or enforce any breaches of legislation regarding the removal and disposal of asbestos. There are government bodies that do control these matters and they are EPA (Environment Pollution Authority) Victoria and Victorian WorkCover Authority (WorkSafe).

EPA Victoria
EPA Victoria has produced a document regarding the transport and disposal of waste asbestos. This document outlines the method and procedures for transporting and disposal of asbestos. They also control and list the licensed premises to accept waste asbestos.

WorkCover handles the registration of approved people to transport and dispose of waste asbestos. They also control the working conditions for building sites while asbestos is being removed from a building and the site. This is mainly to deal with Occupation Health and Safety (OHS).

For more information, access the Asbestos guide for householders.