Annual Budget and Reports
2024-2025 Budget
The 2024 – 2025 Glenelg Shire Council Budget and Fees and Charges Schedule was endorsed on 25 June 2024 at the June Council Meeting.
The Council has worked hard to deliver an enormous capital works program over the past four years, generated from significant stimulus funding and grant opportunities.
In 2024 / 2025 Council is aiming to get through the backlog and deliver capital works that focus on renewing existing assets, not creating new ones.
This budget places a priority in completing the backlog of capital works programs already scheduled whilst responsibly providing ongoing funding for renewal.
Key Renewal Projects include:
- Renewal of Shire wide Council buildings $320k
- Renewal of plant, equipment and vehicles $1.1M
- Renewal of Library resources at all libraries $95k
- Road Renewal Shire wide $3.5M
- Kerb & Channel renewal across the Shire $200k
- Pathway renewal across the Shire $150k
- Recreation Asset Renewal Shire Wide $200K
The Glenelg Shire Council provides more than 120 services to people of all ages and stages of life around the Shire, as well as maintaining our community’s infrastructure, including buildings, roads and recreational parks and spaces.
The budget includes the following items which were raised during the community sessions held in February 2024:
- Inclusion of $50k to maintain the condition of the Heywood Old School
- Ongoing funding of $25k in the renewal budget for accessibility projects throughout the Shire
- Continued funding for Christmas activities including lighting of the Christmas Tree of approximately $50k
- Contributions to the three major events in Casterton, Portland and Heywood totaling $52k
- Ongoing funding of $200k through the renewal budget for recreational assets including playground equipment.
Each year, the demands placed on Council exceed the revenue available. Council will continue to focus on identifying sustainable cost savings that will enable it to deliver on the Council Plan 2021-25 and ensure the needs and aspirations of the community are realised.
To view the Budget, download a copy of the document.(PDF, 1MB)
Hard copies can also be requested for printing at any of our Customer Service Centres.
Annual Report
Council has a statutory requirement to produce an Annual Report each financial year. The Local Government Act 2020 outlines the key information that must be included and the process that must be adhered to in the development, authorisation and publication of the Annual Report.
The Annual Report is a key corporate document of Council. It contains Council’s Financial Statements, Performance Statement and the achievements delivered under the Council Plan during the financial year.
The annual report is focused on highlights and is primarily used by a range of government, community based and private sector organisations.