Waste and Recycling Kerbside Collection

For those who live within designated collection areas, Waste Services can include the following:   

  • 120L waste (garbage) bin collected weekly
  • 240L recycling bin collected fortnightly

Click here to view the Waste Collection Calendar for your address.


Designated Waste Collection Areas

Designated Areas 

The kerbside collection service is provided to all residents within the designated areas of each town, by a Contractor engaged by Glenelg Shire Council.

Click any link above to view the map of a given designated district area.

Live Outside a Designated Area?

Optional Kerbside Collection 

Council is offering a kerbside waste and recyclables collection service to owners of properties that are on or near a number of designated roads through the Shire.

While the service can not extend to every property within the Glenelg Shire, residents are encouraged to utilise the Optional Kerbside Collection Service where possible.

For further information on this service, see the Optional Kerbside Collection Service page.

Private Waste Collection

Residents that do not receive Council's waste collection service may choose to have a collection service provided by a private contractor. Refer to the Telstra Yellow Pages for listings of Waste Collection Contractors.

Optional Rural Kerbside Collection Service

Optional Kerbside Collection Service

Council is offering a kerbside waste and recyclables collection service to owners of properties that are on or near a number of designated roads through the Shire.

While the service can not extend to every property within the Glenelg Shire, residents are encouraged to utilise the Optional Kerbside Collection Service where possible.

For further information on this service, see the Optional Kerbside Collection Service page.

Victorian Government Waste Reform

The Victorian Government is changing the household waste collection process to improve recycling end-products. All Victorian Council's and Alpine Management Boards will move to a four stream collection system over the next several years.

To accommodate this, you will need four recycling bins in the near future:

• Stream 1: Bin for kerbside collection of waste
• Stream 2: Bin for co-mingled recycling
• Stream 3: Bin for FOGO (food organics + garden organics), and
• Stream 4: Bin for Glass You can also drop glass off at certain collection points around the Shire.

Reform Timing

Glass service must begin by 2027, while the FOGO deadline is set for 2030.

Glenelg Shire Implementation

Glenelg Shire Council is currently assessing when and how best introduce these new services. The response to the COVID-19 delayed the initial FOGO roll out, planned for 2020. This implementation will be developed into Council's service contract renewal that is due to expire in February 2023.

For more information on these reforms, visit the Victoria household waste website.



Kerbside Waste Collection Fees

Please Note - Kerbside collection will incur fees over and above the standard Council Rates.

The 2024/2025 annual kerbside garbage charges are:

  • $196.10 (inc GST) per waste bin, and
  • $119.90 (inc GST) per recycle bin

Request a New Bin or Replacement Bin

You can arrange for the following additional services by completing the Waste and Recycling Kerbside Collection Form.   

  • Replacement bin 
  • Additional/New  bin 

  • Add a Service or Withdraw from the waste collection service (includes optional Rural Kerbside Service)  

Fees and Charges
The optional rural kerbside collection service will incur fees above the standard Council Rates.

The 2024/2025 annual kerbside garbage charges are:

  • $196.10 (inc GST) per waste bin, and
  • $119.90 (inc GST) per recycle bin



  • Only eligible properties in current waste collection areas or along designated collection routes are able to participate in waste collection service, please call customer service on 1300 453 635 for more details. 

  • Waste collection involves a fortnightly collection of recyclable materials using 240 Litre Mobile Recycling Bin and/or the weekly collection of waste using 120 Litre Mobile Garbage Bin. 

  • Residential properties in compulsory collection zones must have as a minimum 1 waste collection service and 1 recycle collection service. Property owners are able to apply for more than 1 of either service if required. 

Submit a Request

Step 1.Complete the Form

To request a new service, new or replacement bin or to withdraw from an existing service, you will need to complete the Waste and Recycling Kerbside Collection Form.

Step 2.What should you include? 

Property Details
You will need to include your address details and your Council Property Number (as detailed on the rates notice).

Only authorised persons ie the property owner or i.e. business owner, can authorise the request.  

If you would like further information, please contact the Glenelg Shire Council Waste Management Team on 1300 453 635 (1300 GLENELG).

The Process

Step 1.Receipt of the Request  

A Council officer will review your request and contact you if additional information is required.  

Step 2.Outcome

We will action your request and send you an email confirmation, which will detail the outcome of your request and if relevant delivery and/or collection timelines. 

If you would like further information, please contact the Glenelg Shire Council Waste Management Team on 1300 453 635 (1300 GLENELG).