Fraud and Corruption Control

Council is committed to protecting its revenue, expenditure, reputation and assets from any attempt, by members of the public, contractors, agents, intermediaries, volunteers or its own employees to gain financial or other benefits by deceit or dishonest conduct.

We require all Council employees, volunteers, contractors and agents of GSC to act honestly and with integrity and to safeguard the public resources for which they are responsible.

In October 2023, Council adopted the Fraud and Corruption Control Policy(PDF, 170KB). The Policy sets out specific guidelines and responsibilities regarding appropriate actions that must be followed to prevent, detect, report and manage fraud and corruption across the organisation.

Council will not tolerate fraud and corruption in any form and is committed to:

  • Preventing fraud and corruption in the workplace.
  • Ensuring immediate and appropriate investigation procedures are implemented in the case that fraud and corruption is suspected.
  • Referring cases of suspected fraud and corruption to the authorities following due investigation.
  • Applying appropriate disciplinary penalties should fraud and corruption occur.
  • The recovery of any loss suffered through fraudulent and corrupt activity.

This Policy also complements Council’s commitment to the Staff Code of Conduct and Council’s Public Interest Disclosure Procedures (Whisteblower).(PDF, 540KB)    .