Websites of Interest

Visit the following websites, organised by topic, for further research and information. 

Land & Property Information

Land Victoria

Government Information service that provides Land and Property information about land anywhere in Victoria. Includes maps, zoning information and a title search facility.

Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT)

Victoria Civil and Administrative Tribunal

VCAT (formerly known as the Administrative Appeals Tribunal) is an independent body responsible for dealing with disputes about consumer matters, credit, discrimination, domestic building works, guardianship and administration, residential tenancies, and retail tenancies.

Planning Institute of Australia (PIA)

Planning Institute Of Australia - Victoria

PIA is the Australian planning professional organisation that seeks the general advancement of regional and town planning and to promote the artistic and scientific development of regions, cities and towns.


Royal Australian Institute of Architects (RAIA)

The Royal Australian Institute of Architects is a peak national association representing architects and the integrity and standing of the profession.

Heritage Victoria

Heritage Victoria

Heritage Victoria is located within the Department of Infrastructure. This central government agency provides information and advice about places listed on the Victorian Heritage Register and Archaeological Inventory. It supports the Heritage Council through research, recommends additions to the Register and issues permits for alterations to heritage places.

Aboriginal Heritage Regulations 2018 Information

Discover whether your plans are subject to the Aboriginal Heritage Regulations of 2018. The Regulations provide for the protection of Aboriginal Cultural Heritage in Victoria. Prior to gaining a planning permit, you must find out if a Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP) is required under the Aboriginal Heritage Act.

Here are two websites that offer further information.

First Peoples Relations

Gain a thorough understanding of the functions and services provided by Aboriginal Victoria.

Aboriginal Affairs Victoria Self Assessment

Answer a series of questions to see whether your proposed plans are exempt from requiring a cultural heritage management plan.