Planning an Event To assist you in creating a successful and safe event, review our Event Management Guidelines and browse the various templates and tools.
What's On - Calendar of Events With events happening all over Glenelg Shire, there is always something to look forward to.
List an Event We can include your Event details on the Glenelg Shire Local Events Calendar. It's a great way to promote your event and it's FREE.
Annual Events Discover the range of events in the Glenelg Shire, including Hooked on Portland, the Upwelling Festival, Kelpie Muster, Wood Wine and Roses Festival and more.
Tourism Experience the diversity and splendor of Glenelg Shire. Whether you seek adventure, family fun, or a little solitude... Glenelg Shire welcomes you.
Visit Glenelg VIC App You can now discover all of the undiscovered landscapes, attractions, and events thanks to the 'Visit Glenelg VIC' App!