Heritage Grant Scheme
The aim of the Scheme is to provide grants which will help fund restoration works to recognised buildings, sites or objects of heritage value in the Glenelg Shire in order to promote the conservation and protection of these buildings, sites or objects.
The Heritage Grant Scheme is currently under review and is not open for applications.
The Heritage Grant Scheme is not currently open for applications.
Maximum Amount of Grant
Funding is available on a dollar for dollar co-contribution basis for projects of any value
- Heritage listed property (individually listed) - maximum grant $5000
- Heritage property within heritage precinct or place defined by Heritage Advisor - maximum grant $3000
Applications under this scheme will only be considered if they meet the following criteria:
The project involves carrying out work on either:
- a heritage asset, object or place listed in the Glenelg Planning Scheme’s Heritage Overlay, or
- a heritage asset, object or place proposed for inclusion in the Heritage Overlay, or
- a heritage asset, object or place as defined by the Glenelg Shire heritage advisor
- Where required, a planning permit has been obtained or applied for
- Where required, a building permit has been obtained or applied for
- Or the project involves other requirements as recommended by the Heritage Advisor
What type of work is eligible?
- Urgent works which are necessary to ensure the survival of the building or structure;
- Reconstruction work;
- Conservation works on contributory or individually listed places of heritage significance;
Please note applications will not be considered for works already commenced.
Heritage Places and Heritage Overlay Planning Fees
On 27 April 2021 Council approved that fees are no longer required for permits of Heritage buildings/place where works are triggered only by the heritage overlay. This is to assist owners to fund the works required to keep our heritage protected into the future.
Please note planning permits may still be required. To discuss the need for a planning permit or to book a consultation with Council's Heritage Advisor, please phone (03) 5522 2187.