Annual report now available
Published on 28 November 2023
Want to know how much of your rates goes towards Glenelg Shire’s parks and gardens? How many items there are in our libraries? Or how many registered animals in our shire?
You can find this and much more in Glenelg Shire Council’s 2022-2023 Annual Report and Annual Financial Report, which are now available to the public.
The Annual Report is Council’s report card – the Local Government Act 2020 outlines the key information that must be included and the process of its development, authorisation and publication.
It contains Council’s Financial Statements, Performance Statement and the achievements delivered under the Council Plan during the 2022-23 financial year.
Glenelg Shire Mayor Karen Stephens welcomed the release of the document.
“The Annual Report is one of the key documents Council produces, along with our Budget and Council Plan, and contains a wealth of information about what we have achieved and how we are planning for the future to benefit the community,” she said.
“The report is an easy to read document and I encourage everyone to download a copy.
“It highlights many of the wonderful achievements and good news stories throughout the year including a summary of the funding received by community groups from across the Shire via the annual Community Grants program valued at more than $160,000.”
During the next few weeks Council will highlight and share achievements in the Annual Report on our social media networks.
But in the meantime, both online and hardcopy versions are available.
The online versions can be downloaded on Council’s website.
Hard copies are available on request by emailing or calling 03 5522 2171.