Big plans for three coastal communities

Published on 23 February 2024


Glenelg Shire Council is committed to supporting the future of Narrawong, Dutton Way, and Allestree by fostering sustainable communities through the development of a Strategic Framework Plan for these areas.

The Narrawong, Dutton Way, and Allestree Framework Plan will be a comprehensive land use planning framework that outlines the future land use and development of the area to 2040.

The Framework Plan has many aims, including communicating the desired future for the three communities, providing direction on land use, guidance on building design and landscaping as well as approaches for designing entrance points and gateways for Narrawong, Dutton Way, and Allestree.

There is a need to review Narrawong, Dutton Way, and Allestree to understand long-term land use requirements to support future growth and development over a 15+ year horizon.

The Framework Plan will help position the areas to capitalise on future development opportunities and provide clear direction on sustainable change.

It will aim to direct and promote residential growth, protect sensitive environmental areas including the Surry River and coastline, and plan for the growth of commercial and tourism opportunities.

A background report has been prepared, providing a summary of the issues and opportunities facing the areas.

This report will be made available to the community for review and feedback, with a consultation period about to begin.

It will include a series of face-to-face meetings and online methods to better understand the aspirations and hopes of the three communities for the future of the area.

The first drop-in session will be at the Narrawong Mechanics Hall at 10.30am on Wednesday, 28 February, 2024.

There will be further sessions at the Reception Room in the Glenelg Shire Council offices in Portland from 4.30pm to 6pm on Thursday, 7 March, and again at the Council Listening Post scheduled for the Narrawong Mechanics Hall between 4pm and 5pm on Tuesday, 19 March.

A draft Framework Plan is scheduled to be released for consultation in May with a final Framework Plan completed in July.

More information, including the background report and an online survey, is available on the Your Say Glenelg website from Monday, 26 February. 

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