Portland Foreshore Community Pavilion gets the go-ahead
Published on 29 November 2023
Glenelg Shire Council has approved the final design of the Portland Foreshore Community Pavilion and resolved to send the project out to tender.
This decision means the $6.2 million project will go ahead, delivering a multipurpose community and club facility with ocean-facing balconies for events and functions, hospitality, and retail facilities, including a cafe and a retail space to promote local sea produce.
Works to complete this facility will include the construction of the two-storey building, upgrade of the car parking, and the demolition and removal of two existing buildings.
The key benefits for the community are:
• A true multipurpose facility for the use of the whole community, while incorporating exclusive-use space for the Portland Yacht Club.
• Increased connection for the community to Portland foreshore via a modern facility with all-abilities access.
• Function, retail and café spaces at Portland Bay shoreline and close to surrounding greenspaces.
• Optimal use of one-off Victorian Government funding to provide this building on Portland’s foreshore.
Glenelg Shire Mayor Karen Stephens said the decision followed extensive consultation with key stakeholder groups and the community.
“Each of the Portland Yacht Club, Portland Sport Fishing Club and Portland Cable Trams have indicated their support for the building and will provide ongoing input during the design and construction phases,” she said.
“Council left no stone unturned in order to consult as widely as possible in the time available.”
Portland Yacht Club Commodore Andrew Hays said the club had been pleased with the collaborative approach that had developed between Council’s Pavilion project team and the club.
“We thank Council and the project team for working with us and addressing our members’ concerns,” he said.
Now the decision has been made to go out to tender, this will happen over the coming weeks – taking the Christmas/New Year shutdown into account, potential tenderers should become clearer in the New Year.
Glenelg Shire Council has a funding agreement for $5 million with the Victorian Government’s Regional Infrastructure Fund (of which $4 million has already been received) for the provision of the Portland Foreshore Community Pavilion.
Council will also contribute $1.2 million in funding, which puts the budget for the project at $6.2 million, which will be market tested once the detailed design and tendering are completed.