Active Women and Girls

Our vision is that every resident of the Glenelg Shire can participate in sport and active recreation regardless of their personal circumstances or attributes. Council is committed to actively pursuing opportunities to increase women’s and girls’ access and participation in a diverse range of sports, in both on and off the field roles.

This Girl Can

Research has proven that women worry about being judged when they exercise, and often are too embarrassed or intimidated to exercise in public. This Girl Can Victoria is about giving it a go and getting active; no matter how well you do it, how you look, or how sweaty you get. Whether it’s a walk in the park, a gym sesh, a killer run, or gathering a few gal pals for a game of netball, there are so many ways to get active.


Want to make your sport club or facility more inclusive for women?

Sign up as a This Girl Can supporter to access free and practical resources as well as advice, suggestions and handy tips to help you create new activities or programs especially for women. Whether they’re coming back to exercise after a break, or joining in for the first time, we’ll give you the right tools to make a difference. 

A This Girl Can campaign was co-ordinated by Portland District Health's Health Promotions Team over one week in April 2024, with Glenelg Shire Council's Recreation Team looking to co-ordinate the annual This Girl Can campaign in October 2024.

Change Our Game

The Victorian State Government is committed to increasing the number of women and girls participating in sport and active recreation, from grassroots through to senior leadership roles.

The Inquiry into Women and Girls in Sport and Active Recreation was established in late 2014 to advise the Victorian Minister for Sport on practical actions that the sector could adopt to enhance participation by women and girls to increase their engagement in leadership and governance roles.

Following the Inquiry the Change Our Game initiative was launched, designed to encourage the sport and recreation sector to challenge gender stereotypes and help women and girls become leaders.

The Change Our Game website has valuable resources to assist community sport and recreation organisations to develop strategies towards equitable access for women and girls.