Council Plan 2021 - 2025
At the October Council meeting on 26 October 2021, Council adopted the 2021-2025 Council Plan.
Council prepares a new Council Plan after each election. The plans are made up of a vision, themes (broad areas of interest and importance), objectives (what we want to achieve) and strategies (how we will achieve them), which drive the direction of Council during their term. In practical terms, the direction helps Council to decide where it will invest its time and resources.
This plan brings to life many opportunities within our Shire - transitioning to a carbon neutral future, promoting our rich culture and diverse arts, supporting community health and wellbeing and encouraging entrepreneurs and investors to the Shire.
It outlines how we intend to partner with regional agencies to strengthen our food and fibre industries, how we will advocate for improved and safer travel, and how we’ll plan for growth to make sure our towns maintain their unique character.
Learn more about what is planned for the Glenelg Shire up until 2025 by reading the adopted Council Plan.