Storms and Floods

picture of flood in Casterton 2016

Storms & Floods can occur quickly and become hazardous. It is important to know what to do before, during, and after a severe storm & flooding event.

SES Local Flood Guides and Municipal Flood Emergency Plan

The SES has developed Local Flood Guides for the Glenelg Shire. They are a valuable tool when preparing for a potential flood.

The latest flood warning information is available through VicEmergency or phone 1800 226 226.

The Victorian SES advises the following measures in relation to floods:

  1. Be aware of the situation and monitor weather conditions and emergency broadcasters for further information.
  2. Go over your Emergency Plan and locate your Emergency Kit.
  3. Farmers should be prepared to move machinery and livestock to known higher ground.
  4. Floodwaters are dangerous, do not drive, ride or walk through floodwaters.
  5. For emergency assistance call the SES on 132 500, if your emergency is life threatening call 000.
  6. For the latest flood warning and information and river heights visit the Bureau of Meteorology.