Heritage Overlays

The Heritage Overlay is a map in the Planning Scheme that shows the location and extent of heritage controls over a particular heritage place.

The Heritage Overlay provisions are set out at clause 43.01 within all Victorian Planning Schemes. A local schedule to the Heritage Overlay lists the properties affected by the Heritage Overlay and any additional controls which may apply to that particular site.

What does being in the Heritage Overlay mean?

The primary purpose of the Heritage Overlay is to protect the heritage significance of a building, place or area.

The Heritage Overlay aims to:

  • conserve and enhance places of natural or cultural significance.
  • conserve and enhance those elements which contribute to the significance of heritage places.
  • ensure that development does not adversely affect the significance of heritage places.
  • conserve specifically identified places by allowing a use that would otherwise be prohibited if this will demonstrably assist with the conservation of the significance of the place.

A Planning Permit is required to:

  • subdivide or consolidate land.
  • demolish or remove a building (including part of a building).
  • construct a building (including part of a building).
  • externally alter a building.
  • construct or carry out works.
  • construct or display a sign.
  • externally paint an unpainted surface; and
  • externally paint a building if the painting constitutes an advertisement.

In some instances, other external paint controls, internal alteration controls and tree controls may also apply. The Schedule to the Heritage Overlay will identify whether these additional controls apply. There may also be other overlays that apply.