Receiving your Rates Notice

Rates and Valuation Notices for 2024-2025 will be posted out or sent electronically in August 2024.  If you don’t receive your notice, please contact Customer Service Centre.

To organise to have your Rates notice emailed to you, rather than posted, please follow the process below to sign up for e-Notices. 

You will need a copy of a current rates notice so that we can verify that you are the property owner.  If you do not have a copy of your Rates notice handy, please call the Rates Unit on 03) 5522 2210.  We will need to verify that you are the property owner and eligible for online rates notices.

How to Sign Up

Step 1.Before you Start

You will need an email address, and the Unique Number printed on your Rates Notice.

Step 2.Go to the eNotices Site

Step 3.Enter your Email Address

This is where your notices will be sent.

Step 4.Enter your Unique Reference Number

You will find this on your current Rates Notice.

Step 5.Validate your Email Address  

The system will send you a link to validate your address, make sure it isn't in your Spam folder.

Step 6.Create a Password  

You will also be asked to enter a mobile number.

Step 7.Finished

You will now receive your notices via email.