- Rating Year: The period that this notice relates to, effective from 1 July to 30 June each year
- Assessment No: Councils Identification number for your property
- Property Valuation Details: The three values shown on your notice are:
1. Capital Improved Value (CIV)
Value of the property which takes into account the land and improvements fixed to the land. Includes any improvements like houses, sheds, swimming pools, fences and pergolas.
Includes the value of the land (shown on the rate notice as site value).
2. Site Value (SV)
The value of the land only. It is included in the Capital Improved Value (CIV). The rates and charges you pay are based on the (CIV) of the property.
You do not add the two together.
3. Net Annual Value (NAV)
The amount in rent that could reasonably be received from the property over 12 months. It is not used for the calculation of rates.
- Instalment Payment Due Dates: Your rates and charges amount due in instalments by the respective dates. Payment of the first instalment must be received by 30 September each year to be eligible for the instalment payment system.
- Fire Services Levy: The FSPL is a State Government charge collected by Council. This levy is made up of a fixed charge and a variable charge which is calculated on the CIV. This section indicates what classification your property is for FSPL purposes.
- Financial Details: This section outlines the different amounts that make up the Total Due amount.
1. Overpayments
This is the amount that you have paid in excess of previous rates and charges.
2. Current Rates and Valuation charge and the calculation
This section details the rating category your property falls under, the CIV value and the rate in the dollar used to calculate the current Rates and Valuations charge.
3. Annual Service Charge Garbage
This sets out the number of garbage services for your property, the rate and the total Garbage Collections Service charge.
4. Residential Fire Services Property Levy
This sets out the calculation method of the Fire Services Levy and the total Fire Services Property Levy charge.
Total Amount Due: This is the total amount due on your account (including any unpaid rates and charges). If you have any unpaid rates and charges, please contact the Rates Department prior making your final payment to obtain the total of the accrued interest owed.