Timber, Fishing, Aquaculture and Agriculture

Timber Plantations

A map of the area showing the green triangle

International demand for timber products and the Joint Federal and State Government 2020 Vision to treble the size of the national timber plantation estate has resulted in a massive and rapid increase in the volume of land being purchased and leased by the timber industry.

With suitable soil, rainfall, abundant land and proximity to the Port of Portland, the Glenelg Shire is strategically located in the Greater Green Triangle Region that includes south west Victoria and south east South Australia. 

The timber industry makes a significant contribution to the regional economy contributing some $778 million Gross regional product annually underpinning some 8,500 jobs across the Green Triangle Region.

Council, under the Planning and Environment Act 1987, manages the establishment and timber harvesting of plantations within its boundaries but also works with other Councils and the timber industry to manage the pressures forestry places on the community.

Fishing and Aquaculture

Glenelg Shire's heritage is built upon whaling, sealing and fishing. The Glenelg Shire Council manages the Local Port of Portland Bay (Trawler Wharf) on behalf of the Department of Transport, which is the base for a large commercial fishing fleet that operates from Kangaroo Island, off South Australia, across much of the Western Victorian coastline, and down to northern Tasmania.

The fishing industry is a major contributor to the local economy including support industries such as fish processing, marine engineering, transport, ship building and maintenance, fuelling, providores, and associated businesses.

Crayfish, abalone, squid, shark and deep water trawling makes Portland a strategic fishing centre. Although some fish is processed in Portland, most of the fish received at Portland is transported by road directly to Melbourne and other markets


Rich volcanic soils and regular rainfalls form the building block on which a thriving agricultural industry has grown.

Please click on the links below for Glenelg Shire's Food and Fibre Industry and Agricultural Sector official figures based on information from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.