Drop-in sessions for Portland city centre amenities upgrade

Published on 12 December 2024

Portland CBD amenities concept design.png

The Portland amenities block is due to be replaced, and Glenelg Shire Council is seeking public feedback on what they’d like the block to look like.

Council has successfully secured funding through the Federal Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure fund to complete important and long overdue upgrades to the central amenities located in Henty Street.

Concept designs have now been developed and the community is invited to provide their feedback on them.

Have your say on three key elements of the design – what do you think of the design, what would you like to see on the feature wall and are the existing opening hours sufficient?

There are two ways to provide feedback – via visiting the Your Say Glenelg website or by filling in hard copy forms at the Council offices in Cliff St, Portland and the Portland Library.

Do you have any questions about the project? Do you need some help providing your feedback?

You can come and speak to Council staff about the project at two sessions being held next week.

These ‘drop in’ sessions will be held on Wednesday, 18 December on the lawn in front of the Uniting Church on Percy Street from 10.30am – 12.30pm and in the foyer of the Portland Library on Thursday, 19 December, from 5pm – 6.30pm.

Consultation on the project will run until Sunday, 5 January.

Caption: Concept designs of the amenities block.

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