Glenelg Shire Council is committed to providing customers with quality services. We are an organisation that views complaints as a positive opportunity to improve the services we provide.
An important part of a successful customer service program is ensuring that we have systems in place to manage complaints and feedback effectively. To ensure your feedback and request is managed appropriately, an overview of the complaints proces
s and
service requests is provided below.
What is a Complaint?
A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction with the quality of an action taken, a decision made, or a service provided by or on behalf of Council.
It may relate to a delay or a failure to provide a service or take action, or it may refer to a decision made by Council or on behalf of Council, its contractor or volunteer.
What is a Service Request?
A report relating to a problem, a request or feedback relating to works and/or services. If you need to report a problem that may require action e.g. footpaths, trees, waste, animals, damage etc or other feedback please submit a Service Request.
If you need further information please contact our customer service team on 1300 453 635.
Your Privacy
When submitting complaints or service requests, you may have to divulge some personal information.
Glenelg Shire Council respects the privacy concerns of its community members and treats all collection of data with due consideration.
All personal and/or health information collected by Council is for municipal purposes, as specified in the Local Government Act 1989.
The personal information is used by Council solely for these purposes and/or directly related purposes. Council may disclose this information to other organisations if required by legislation.
The applicant understands that the personal and/or health information provided is for the above purpose. They may apply to Council for access to and/or amendment of the data.
Requests for access and/or correction should be made to Council's Privacy Officer.