Domestic Animal Registration


Owning a pet is a wonderful experience, but it is also a big responsibility. Registering your pet is the best way to keep pets happy and safe, and ensure that they are returned to you if they get lost.


All cats and dogs must be registered with Council at three months old and are required to wear registration tags while not on their owner's premises. Owners will also need to inform Council of any changes to their, or their pet's, details. 

Register your Pet

Step 1.Microchip Your pet

All pets must be microchipped prior to being registered. Contact your local veterinarian to get started.

Step 2.Prepare Your Documents

You will need to bring copies of all documents pertaining to your pet's registration, such as proof of microchipping, training and desexing.

Step 3.Complete the Registration Form

Download and complete the Registration of Domestic Animal(s) Application.(PDF, 263KB)

Update your Details

You may need to update the details on your pets registration for various different reasons. 

Step 1.Update ownership details for a registered animal

You have sold or given away your registered animal and need to transfer the registration to another individual. 

Step 2.Cancel your animals registration 

You need to notify council that your registered animal is deceased. 

Step 3.Suspend your animals registration

You need to notify council that your registered animal is lost.

Step 4.Reduced registration renewal fee

You need to notify council that your registered animal has been desexed. 

You can apply for any of the above by completing the below form

Domestic Animals - Change of Details


Apply for a Domestic Animal Permit

Complete the Domestic Animal Permit application if you wish to apply for; 

  • Permit for Excess Animals in Scheduled Areas and Non-Scheduled Areas (Schedule 21)
  • Permit for Other Animals in Scheduled Area (Schedule 22)
  • Permit to Conduct a Domestic Animal Business (Part 4, Div 1-3, Domestic Animals Act 1994)

Domestic Animal Permit Application