Domestic Animal Management

Glenelg Shire Council recognises the social and health benefits of domestic animals. Dogs and cats play a large role in society as companions and workers. They must be properly cared for and regulated.

We emphasise registration, desexing and education about domestic animals. To promote responsible pet ownership, we have developed the Glenelg Shire Council Domestic Animal Management Plan 2021-2025.(PDF, 3MB)



As a dog owner, you must provide care, training, exercise, attention and supervision for your companion. Untrained or unsupervised dogs can become a problem in the community. Here are some things to watch out for.

Dog Control Zones

The areas of Glenelg Shire are for everyone to enjoy, so you must ensure you follow the regulations of the dog control zones. Please follow the restrictions outlined below.

  • Dogs are required to be on a leash in the Nuns Beach area between 9.00 am - 6.00 pm from 1 December to Midnight on Easter Tuesday.
  • Dogs are required to be on a leash on the Portland foreshore, between the Yacht Club and the Lee Breakwater.
  • Dogs can be off-leash in other areas of the Municipality, but you must ensure your dog is under effective control.
  • NEW: Dogs can be ON-LEASH on the new connecting pathways along the Portland Foreshore and Henty Beach area (image to be updated).
  • NEW: Dogs must not enter the Henty Beach playgrounds, be off-leash or stray on to the beach or grassed area along Henty Beach - These areas remain PROHIBITED for dogs. 

Breach of these restrictions could result in fines of up to $900.

A map of the dog control zones on the Portland foreshore

Dog control zones map(PDF, 221KB)

Cleaning Up After Your Dog

Everyone wants to lives in a clean environment. All dog owners, or people walking dogs, are required to clean up after their animals.

Carrying a plastic bag or scooper device is the best way to ensure you can collect and dispose of dog excrement in public places.

People who do not clean up after their dog, or are not carrying the means to do so, may face on-the-spot fines of up $200 for each offence.

Barking Dogs

While barking is a natural form of communication for dogs, it is the owner's responsibility to ensure their dogs are not affecting neighbourhood peace. 

Dogs will bark to alert their owners of intruders on their property. This behaviour can become a neighbourhood nuisance if dogs are left to bark at regular occurrences such as noises from adjoining properties, possums, cats, birds or other dogs. Our Why Dogs Bark(PDF, 192KB) informational brochure can provide more information.

If your dog is barking too much, there are some things you can try.

  • Obedience train your dog not to bark at regular neighbourhood occurrences.
  • Get your dog used to periods of being alone.
  • Try not to leave your dog alone for a long time and, if you have to, make sure your dog is comfortable, well-fed and watered and exercised before you go.

If a neighbourhood dog is becoming a nuisance to you, read our Dealing with a Barking Dog(PDF, 325KB) informational brochure. You can also contact Council's Local Laws Unit for advice on 5522 2208.




Cats can make excellent pets, but stray cats and overpopulation in shelters remain a problem. 

Outdoor Cats

Many cats enjoy free reign of the outdoor property of their owners. However, it is essential to respect that some neighbours may not appreciate cats visiting their property. Additionally, a cat curfew is in place from 7:00 pm - 7:00 am.

Glenelg Shire Council promotes the use of cat enclosures and cat fencing. These structures can be extensive and stimulating for cats.

If you have trouble with an uninvited cat on your property, you can hire a cat trap from the Animal Welfare Centre, Heywood Customer Service & Casterton Customer Services.

Overpopulation in Shelters

There are many cats and kittens surrendered or admitted as strays to shelters every year. Compared to dogs, cats are also rarely identifiable or reclaimed by their owners.

It is essential to get your cat microchipped and registered and desex your pet to prevent unwanted breeding.


Infringement Notices

Breaches of animal control laws can result in Infringement Notices for pet owners.

People who receive an infringement can:

  • Pay the infringement fine
  • Have the matter referred to Court for consideration, which you must request in writing
  • If there are extenuating circumstances, you can apply for an Infringement Review, by referring the matter to the Glenelg Shire Council Review Panel.