
Livestock and Farm animals are a vital part of the community we live in.  Livestock is an animal (including a bird) of any species used in connection with primary production or kept or used for recreational purposes or for the purposes of recreational sport, other than a dog or cat.

To ensure the safety of our animals and community members, Livestock owners have responsibility for the management, safety and care of livestock. 

The laws surrounding livestock are enforced under the Impounding of Livestock Act 1994 and the Glenelg Shire Council General Local Law 2018

Permits must be acquired for droving, grazing etc and can be viewed here.

Report lost or wandering Livestock

Lost or wondering Livestock are a risk and can be a danger to community.   To report lost or wandering Livestock,  please contact our customer service centre 1300 453 635

Out of Hours

After hours call outs are restricted to the following circumstances:

  • Stock wandering on Council-managed roads
  • Dog attacks on humans (physical and threatening)
  • Dog attacks on animals
  • Injured domestic animals or attendance requests from Victoria Police

Local Laws Officers cannot attend a call out if the caller details and location are not provided.

Phone: 1300 453 635

Impounded Livestock

Local Laws Officers attend to Livestock at large which includes cattle, sheep and horses.

  • The officers will, where possible, identify and contact the stock owner to inform them that their stock is out.

  • If ownership identification is not able to be made, the stock will be impounded and may be held for 7 days.

  • An advertisement will be placed in the local papers describing the stock impounded and advising that if not claimed within 7 days, and all necessary fees paid, the stock may be sold by auction at a date, time & location stated in the before mentioned advertisement.

  • Applications for an infringement review must be in writing and only one review request per offence is allowed. You are required to provide a copy of your original infringement notice with your application documentation.

  • If you have received an Infringement Notice which you believe to be unfair or unjust due to extenuating circumstances and wish to have the infringement reviewed, complete an application for Infringement Review.

If you require further information, please contact customer service on 1300 453 635


Apply for a Livestock Permit

Complete the Livestock Permit application if you wish to apply for;

  • Permit to Drove Livestock (Schedule 27)
  • Permit to Graze Livestock on Roads & Public Places (Schedule 28)

Livestock Permit Application