Apply for an Event

An event is a gathering of people brought together for a common purpose by some pre-arrangement. Reference: State of Victoria (Victoria Police)

As the Event organiser, it is your responsibility to ensure that your Event meets relevant regulations, legislation, and permit approvals. You also have an important role in identifying and managing any impacts and risks.  

Public Land

If you are planning to use Council owned or managed land/property for any Event related purpose, including private (e.g. weddings, invite only events) or public events you will need to Apply for an Event Permit (refer to information below).

Private Land

You may still be required to seek relevant approvals for your Event and apply for permits from Council and/or other Authorities. If you are uncertain as to who owns the land, please contact the Events Team for more information. 

Application Timeline

Applications need to be submitted with sufficient notice to allow time for coordination of services and assessment of permits.  A minimum of 3 months notice is required. If the Event is high risk, 6 months notice may be required. 

All documentation must be finalised 21 days prior to Event.

Please note: Public Liability Insurance must be valid one month prior to Event start date.

For more information please refer to the Event Management Guidelines.

The Event Application

Step 1.Complete the Event Application Permit

Submitting an "Apply for an Event" form is the first step in applying for a permit to stage an event in a Council venue or public space.

After we have assessed your requirements, you may be required to provide additional information or submit other Application forms e.g Insurance documentation. 

* Applications should be submitted at least 3 months before the Event date, events deemed as high risk or requiring a higher level of logistical coordination and risk management measures should be submitted 6 months prior to the Event.

Step 2.What You Should Include

  • Event Location
  • Event Date and Time (Including time required for set up/pack up)
  • Event Organisers/Managers Contact Details
  • Risk Assessment
  • Public Liability Insurance
  • Sitemap

Other details such as:

  • Approximate number of attendees
  • What Food, Marquees or Entry Fees will apply to the Event
  • Liquor License/or Application Number
  • Any Road Closures, including a Traffic Management Plan
  • What activities will be included e.g. Music, Animals, Motorsport etc

Refer to the Event Management Guidelines for more information. 

The Process

Step 1.What to expect after you submit your application

Step 2.Application Requirements and Permits

A member of our Events Team will review your application, and advise if further information is required.

Step 3.Final Approval

Once all documentation has been finalised and the Event plans accepted and approved by our Events Team, you will receive a final approval letter and Permit.