Templates and Tools

Band on Stage

To assist with planning your event, browse and download one of our many document templates or access the various online tools available. 

These online tools and templates can help you with the planning, Coordination and Risk Assessments associated with Events.  

If you require further information, please contact our Events Team for support. 



Event Plan

You can create a basic Event Plan, by referencing the Event Management Guidelines and using the basic Event Plan below.  

You may also benefit from using the Business Victoria Guided Event Planning tool, as an additional planning resource. 


Budget and Task List

One of the best ways ensure your event is planned properly is to create an event-planning tasklist.

An event-planning tasklist should be one of the first things you do when you decide to run an event.

If you need assistance with your event planning, please contact our Events Team for support.  


Emergency Management Notification

Organisers are responsible for notifying emergency services of their event. It is important to notify services to ensure they are ready for and can minimise any impact your event may have to their services and the community.   You can utilise the template below to create notification letters. 

Large events may require the allocation of additional emergency services resources, the development of alternative arrangements when an event will impede access to local roads or properties, or a dedicated presence at the event.

We encourage event organisers to review the following pages, for information relating to Emergency Management.  

You may also wish to refer to the Glenelg Shire Council Emergency Information  and Emergency Services Contact Details


SUGGESTED EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT TEMPLATE - Suggested-Emergency-Management-Plan.pdf(PDF, 138KB)  

Risk Assessment

Having a Risk Management Plan and conducting a risk assessment prior to conducting an activity or event means potential risks can be identified and rated according to probability of occurrence and severity of damages. Controls and actions can then be taken to help reduce or mitigate any potential risks prior to the activity or event taking place.

Risk Management is the process of identifying, assessing, and treating of risks. This process also includes the monitoring of those risks to ensure that the desired outcome has been reached and that any unacceptable risk has been eliminated or reduced as far as practicable.

This process is in accordance with the Australian Standard on Risk Management AS/NZS ISO31000:2009 Risk Management Principles and Guidelines. 

For further information please refer to the Event Management Guidelines (Section 3 - Risk Management).   


Event Post Review

Some Event organisers will be required to complete a post event review. This review will analyse how effective the planning of the event was, and how well the event was executed.

Please refer to the After Your Event page for more details on how to best review and assess your event.   

TEMPLATECommunity Post Event Review.docx(DOCX, 24KB)


Site Plan

A Site Plan may be required for your Event Plan or if you are applying for an Event Permit.

If you need assistance with your event planning, please contact our Events Team for support.  

TEMPLATE  -  Site Plan Template (pdf)(PDF, 25KB)


Guidelines & Tools

Event Planning Tool

Business Victoria have developed a guided planning tool to help anyone organise an event or festival in Victoria. It brings together up-to-date resources and information on each step of the process; from the permits you may need to apply for to available grants and support - making it easier for anyone to plan and gain approval to run a safe and successful event. 

By answering a few questions about your event you will be provided a task list to download that will give you contacts in approving organisations.

Business Victoria Guided Event Planning Tool 

Glenelg Event Management Guidelines

Within each section of these guidelines, you will find useful information, tips, and examples to help make the task of planning your event easier.

Event Planning Management Guidelines

Apply for an Event

Victorian Guidelines for Planning Safe Events

These Victorian Guidelines have been developed through the collaboration of multiple agencies to present best practice for event organisers and agencies involved in the planning of events within Victoria.

They are designed to present basic guides and safety measures that an event organiser is required to consider when planning an event. This document contains a broad range of topics and guides, from risk assessment tools to check-lists, to ensure event organisers engage with all relevant stakeholders and create a safe and well managed environment for all parties to enjoy.

Download the guidelines here

Waste Management

Glenelg Shire provides the Waste Wise Events trailer for community events held within the Shire.

The trailer contains 6 waste bins, 6 recycling bins and bin caps which may be borrowed free of charge by event organisers to provide waste and recycling bins at community events.

Event Organisers can book the Waste Wise Trailer free of charge (subject to availability) by completing the online form booking form

If you require further information, please contact the Resource Management Officer on (03) 5522 2299.

Access for All

We encourage you to consider accessibility to your event, to ensure that it can be attended by all community members. 

The following checklist provides information of the steps recommended in planning, promoting, implementing and evaluating your event.

More details can be found in the Checklist(PDF, 3MB) and the Events Program(PDF, 7MB).

If you would like further information regarding  your One and All inclusive Events, please contact our Events Team.