You may need to submit a request for Temporary Road Closure if coordinating a filming or a major event. Depending on the road involved, your application will need to be submitted to either VicRoads or the Glenelg Shire Council.
To determine the status of the road involved in your event or filming refer to the Map of Declared Roads.
VicRoads is responsible for the management of all major roads and freeways in Victoria (except tollways). If your event will impact a major road you will need to apply for a Permit from VicRoads. Applications to VicRoads are required to be submitted 60 days before the event date. For further information on the VicRoads process, and to complete an application visit VicRoads Events.
Glenelg Shire Council
Council is responsible for all local roads and laneways. If your event is going to impact a local road or laneway, you will need to submit an 'Application for Temporary Road Closure' (form link is provided below).
Please allow up to 60 days to process your application.