Sport and Recreation Strategies and Policies

We have a number of sport and recreation strategies and policies that are managed by Council. You can read more about each of them here.

Active Your Way Glenelg

Through the development of the Active Your Way Glenelg Sport & Active Recreation Plan, Council aims to:
  • Increase the physical activity level of Glenelg Shire residents to achieve better health and wellbeing outcomes.
  • Improve opportunities to participate in active recreation and sporting activities within the Shire.
  • Develop an evidence base to inform Council’s future investment in sport and active recreation programs and facilities.
  • Establish a framework for the delivery of sport and recreation services by Council.

Download the Plan(PDF, 17MB).

Recreational Reserves and Recreational Facilities Access Policy

The Recreational Reserves and Recreational Facilities Access policy governs access to recreational reserves and recreational facilities that are owned or managed by Glenelg Shire Council. The policy aims to improve health and wellbeing outcomes for our community by promoting access to recreational reserves and facilities for sports clubs, community groups, organisations and individuals, that foster participation in active recreation.

This policy also aims to address the principles identified within the Victorian State Governments Fair Access Policy roadmap, and align with requirements under the Gender Equality Act 2020.

You can download the policy here(PDF, 162KB).

Recreational Reserves and Recreational Facilities Pricing Policy

The Recreational Reserves and Recreational Facilities Pricing policy outlines how fees and charges for use of Council owned or managed recreational reserves and recreational facilities will be determined. The policy contributes to the achievement of strategic outcomes identified in the Glenelg Shire Council Plan, the Glenelg Shire Health & Wellbeing Plan and the Active Your Way Glenelg Sport & Active Recreation Plan(PDF, 17MB)  by supporting the ongoing availability of recreational reserves and recreational facilities.

You can download a copy of the policy here(PDF, 129KB).


Alexandra Park Master Plan

The Alexandra Master Plan was endorsed in 2019, with councillors voting to invest in providing a safe and multipurpose facility for broad community enjoyment. The Master Plan will ensure development of the facilities support the vision for increasing participation, as well as meeting current and future needs at Alexandra Park. The Master Plan will help to attract government funding to support a major redevelopment of the busy sporting precinct. The Master Plan will also address the key priorities of the venue’s user groups, as well encouraging informal community usage.

You can download the plan here(PDF, 11MB).

Flinders Park Master Plan

Councillors endorsed the Flinders Park Master Plan in 2021, to help guide future decision making and determine resource allocation for asset development and maintenance works at the park. Flinders Park has potential for a number of functional spaces, with a variety of people and activities that currently utilise the space. The plan provides guidance to Council to ensure future development of facilities supports increased participation, fiscally responsible future investment and considers current and future recreation needs. The Master Plan will also address the key priorities of the venue’s user groups, as well encouraging informal community usage.

You can download the plan here(PDF, 5MB).

A copy of the site layout plan to accompany the master plan is available here(PDF, 4MB).


Glenelg Shire Open Space Strategy

Council's Open Space Strategy, developed in partnership with recreation consultancy firm Tredwell Management, is a 10 year framework designed to guide the future planning and functions of open spaces, while exploring new investment opportunities.
Priorities for the strategy include:
  • Planning: an open space network that is planned for in a sustainable manner;
  • Provision: an open space network that is equitable, diverse and meets the needs of all members of the community;
  • Connections: an open space network that is easy to navigate and well connected;
  • Protection: an open space network that protects, enhances, promotes and celebrates the shire’s environmental and cultural heritage values;
  • Design: an open space network that is well designed and encourages active, healthy and fulfilling lifestyles;
  • Management: an open space network that is well managed.

You can download the strategy here(PDF, 15MB) .

Tracks and Trails Strategy

The Glenelg Shire Tracks and Trails Strategy aims to increase development and promotion of our tracks and trails within the shire.
Glenelg Shire recognises that access to a quality network of trails for recreation and commuting is an important factor in serving the community, promoting health and wellbeing by encouraging activity in the outdoors, for connecting communities, and for the growth of tourism and economic development.


The strategy includes a focus on;


  • Current state of our tracks and trails
  • Trail markets and trends
  • Building blocks to deliver a high class trail network
  • Trail categorisation
  • Priority recommendations for tracks and trail projects
  • Costs for development and upgrades and recommendations for funding

You can download the strategy here(PDF, 8MB).